Golf is mostly frustrating. We come up with a plan, we work towards a goal or to try and get better, but most of the time we never really get to "win." Winning in golf is harder than any other sport in my opinion. Fields are large and there is an incredible about of depth in every field. We take little victories along the way to keep pushing forward and continue to strive to get better.
This week at the North Florida PGA Section Pro/Pro, I was able to take home an actual win with my playing partner Christian Bartolacci. Christian and I have been close in this event the past 5 years, finishing no worse than 4th in any appearance. This year, we finally got the job done and won. It was the first section win for either of us. And it couldn't have been sweeter. Christian has been through a lot in the last year, he is a great friend as well as a student. To get this win with him meant the world to me.
I have documented the work I've put in trying to reach my own goals and improve as a player. I wasn't able to qualify for the PPC but am very proud of the continued work I have put in since that event. Rather than getting discouraged, I found motivation in the failure, and have been consistent in my efforts. When next year comes around, I will be in a much better position to play well. I keep looking for little victories and tracking progress to stay on course. This win, and how I played in the event was a really nice boost to keep going in my work.
I know the game can seem endlessly frustrating, but I do believe that with a good plan and dedication, the results you want are possible. It just might take a bit longer than you may like. Thank you to all of you for the support and encouragement. I look forward to seeing everyone as you return for season. It's going to be a great winter!